Monday, August 26, 2013

Sugar Skulls Series One Complete

Dear Armando,

Please release us from the confines of your imagination...or is it? We are the darkness in the hallways waiting for you to bring us forth to the light. If you are unable to accept the fact that we are in fact talking to you, then please consider yourself our poltergeist. In fact, you Armando, you do not exist. Let us summon instead M.P. Skelletree. We know that such madness exists only in the fascination of the term itself. Madness as they all know it is a non-reality turned into a simple reality to us known as laziness. You on the other hand Armando...we mean, M.P. Skelletree, are not lazy. Even if you are, we command you to pick up your paint brushes so that we may reveal ourselves. 

Your interpretation of us is not an interpretation at all. It is in fact, who we are and how we like to see ourselves. In our world, there are no mirrors, just infinite reflections. Without you M.P. Skelletree, these reflections are impossible. We have met genies whom continue to encapsulate themselves because of the mirrors that entrap their nonexistence. We however, do exist even though some may think that we don't. We have other friends Mr. Skelletree that also wish to be released. Since genies do not exist, please do not seek them for mirrors will only deceive you. In fact, when you look into a mirror, you will only see - what is - a glimpse of your soul disguised in mortal drapery. Your soul however, remains free without mirrors ... unlike the non-existant genie. 

We are sugar skulls, sweet and colorful. We choose you M.P. Skelletree because only you understand us. The inversions of our black hearts personify true love. Our sunken pin prick eyes remind the world that our views are full of life. Our bear teeth express happiness. The decors of our face represent the wonders of the universe. In fact, we come not from the earth. 

We come from the deep warmth of the soul. The corridors of which travel even faster than light. Your physical body M.P. Skelletree cannot compete with the dark corridors of your imagination. It is through these corridors that we have chosen to reach you. We are not part of your imagination. We are real. We may not live like the physical human form... but that is only what mirrors believe. 

Let us remind you of the genies. How could we have met them if they don't in fact exist? Because we have met many things that have never existed. Take for example yourself. We summoned you. We used your nonexistence to reveal ourselves. Why then would we want to be revealed by nonexistence? Because the only way we can exist is by knowing that non-existance really does exist. Therefore, you do exist M.P. Skelletree. 

We are reminders that you have one life to live. Dia De Los Muertos is not only a day to celebrate the dead...but a reminder to celebrate your life "today"! Remember what you told her Armando...we mean M.P. wanted to be present for your own Day of the Dead celebration. Well now, there are more of us that wish to come celebrate with you.


- The Sugar Skulls

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