Thursday, February 13, 2014

Volunteering For The Kids

Volunteering For The Kids

There is no doubt a lot of talent out there among young kids. I’m often sent videos of kids making art of playing guitar. Four things come to mind.
1. Student
2. Parent
3. Teacher 
4. Discipline / Practice

Before Myles was born, I indulged in parenting podcasts. It was important that I be well rehearsed before he entered this world. We had even started reading to him while he was still in the womb so learning from all three perspectives was very important. Imagine...adults learning from the young....of course we should.

I’ll summarize in brief my life's art history. Let’s start with the fact that Jessica brought my work to the attention of the general public. Before that, various high school and college professors expressed their admiration for my artistic ability. I honestly thought not much of it and often just answered with a sheepish “thank you” while looking over in admiration at other students' art (some of who are now incredible tattoo artists). After “finally” accepting it, I realized the impact that art had on people. This is definitely due to the fundraisers that I’d recently been involved with.

When I’d learned about the smART art program (Google it), I felt that it would once again be an opportunity to give something to the community….in this case kids. From a spiritual perspective, I learned through Osho that giving doesn’t always have to be monetary. I realize that these life experiences are far more greater than a $100 bill which can be easily spent and forgotten. As adults, it is our responsibility (if we want positive change) to influence the young in a positive light. You’ve heard that saying “influence by example". Today, I couldn't mean it more.

When presenting myself to the Escondido school faculty a few months ago, I respectfully shunned the question about “what inspired me artistically’. Rather, I expressed  why I was there. “To share the power of art because only we can paint tomorrow”. My reasons went on but you get the idea.

On March 28th, I’ll voluntarily be teaching a one hour art class to  two classes of fourth graders (64 students total). My goal is not only to teach them a craft….but to give them a lifelong experience that they can benefit from. Like I said…my teachers told me that I was good….I just never knew “why it was so important"...but now I know.

Understand that I am not seeking praise from this post. My primary reason is to share this positive experience with both non and like minded adults / parents. You are all significant in your own way. You may have asked yourself what your purpose in life is. Well ... there are many. 

There is no miracle pill for life & if there were then we'd wither away in a shallow & lazy Utopia.

Awesome everyone, I felt this was worth sharing since it all starts with us..

Til’ we meet again...
Cheers :o)

Saturday, January 25, 2014

MP Art Available At EMA & Adorn