I'm pretty stoked that Sugar Skull Cowgirl #2 is complete so that's the first thing that came to mind.
I'm not sure if she is a twin of the first cowgirl or what but ... Heeee Hawwww!!!! Know what I mean?
As I was painting her, I unloaded the extra paint onto a black piece of 8" x 10" card stock. This is becoming common where I actually make a sort of abstract painting during the process.
Due to the lack of solid direction on the abstraction, they contrast pretty heavily compared to my upbeat style. I'll admit...I get the chills when cleaning off my brushes. It is an exciting kind of chill. It is more like a roller coaster drop.
My alter ego MP Skelletree totally kicks in during the transitional phase between the two pieces. It is almost spiritual phasing between the two. Does that sound deep & serious? It is a crazy kind of spiritual. Almost like this excited conglomerate of juvial Skittles candy, flavored seltzer fizz & Pop Rocks.
Cowgirls & dark tunnels ... make what you will of the abstract. All I hope is that it takes you somewhere fun & eerie. I see art like a Funhouse. A Funhouse that transcends beyond the living and deeper into a whimsical place of infinite enlightenment daring yet safe. My art is not meant to harm ... only to create enjoyment & wonder.
I think that part of my imagination which would otherwise be tossed away is saved simply by cleaning my brushes.
MP Skelletree would see it as being summoned by a different dimension.
Indeed it is but what better madness than the freedom of art.
Meanwhile, my brushes are clean awaiting anxiously for their next bath.
:o) MP